CBD implementation: Scotland

Note: this page refers to activities specific to the implementation of the CBD in Scotland. A separate page provides information on activities relevant to the implementation of the CBD across the UK, including those of relevance to Scotland.

Relevant Government Bodies

Environmental issues, including biodiversity conservation and management, have broadly been devolved from the UK Government to the Scottish Government. Within the Scottish Government, the Environment and Forestry Directorate leads the implementation of the CBD in Scotland. The following Directorates also make a significant contribution to this work:

The following Scottish public bodies also contribute to the implementation of the CBD in Scotland:

Relevant Government Policies

In 2013, the Scottish Government published ‘2020 Challenge for Scotland’s Biodiversity – a strategy for the conservation and enhancement of biodiversity in Scotland’. This document set out the Scottish Government’s desired outcomes for biodiversity in 2020 and demonstrates how the Scottish Government will meet the Aichi Targets. Prior to this, in 2004, the Scottish Government published ‘Scotland’s Biodiversity: It’s in Your Hands’ which sets out a vision to 2030 of how the Scottish Government will conserve Scotland’s biodiversity. Combined, these two documents represent Scotland’s national biodiversity strategy. The Scottish Biodiversity Strategy Coordination Group oversees reporting and delivery of the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy. In 2015, the Scottish Government further published 'Scotland’s biodiversity: a route map to 2020'. It sets out the priority work required to meet the Aichi Targets.

In 2021, the Scottish Government published 'Scottish Biodiversity Strategy Post-2020: A Statement of Intent'. This statement sets the direction for a new post-2020 Scottish Biodiversity Strategy which will respond to the increased urgency for action to tackle the twin challenges of biodiversity loss and climate change.

In addition to the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy, the Scottish Government also published a Pollinator Strategy (with an associated Implementation Plan) in 2017 and Scotland's Third Land Use Strategy (2021-2026). Both of these contribute to the implementation of the CBD in Scotland.


Additional information about the Scottish Biodiversity Programme is available on the NatureScot website