CBD implementation: Scotland

Note: this page refers to activities specific to the implementation of the CBD in Scotland. A separate page provides information on activities relevant to the implementation of the CBD across the UK, including those of relevance to Scotland.

Relevant Government Bodies

In November 2024 the Scottish Government published the ‘Scottish Biodiversity Strategy to 2045: Tackling the Nature Emergency in Scotland’. This document is the first element of Scotland’s Strategic Framework for Biodiversity for responding to the nature emergency. The remaining elements of the framework are currently under consultation but will comprise:

The Scottish Biodiversity Strategy which sets out a high-level Vision for Biodiversity in Scotland in 2045 and a set of Outcomes which will demonstrate delivery of the Vision

Delivery Plans which set out in detail the actions the Scottish Government will take to deliver the strategic Outcomes

Legally-binding Targets for nature restoration on land and at sea to be delivered through a  Natural Environment Bill

An Investment Plan which sets out how Government will drive investment towards achieving the strategic Outcomes

A Monitoring and Reporting Framework to monitor progress in achieving the strategic Outcomes, including reporting on actions to deliver the goals and targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.

In addition to the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy, the Scottish Government has also published a number of more specific strategies which contribute to the implementation of the CBD in Scotland. These include:

The Environment Strategy for Scotland: vision and outcomes (the overarching framework)

Pollinator Strategy for Scotland (2017- 2027)

Scotland’s Third Land Use Strategy (2021-2026)

Scotland’s National Marine Plan 1

Scotland’s National Marine Plan 2 (in development)

Scotland’s Fisheries Management Strategy (2020-2030)

Circular Economy and Waste Route Map (in development)

Cleaner Air for Scotland 2: Towards a Better Place for Everyone

National Planning Framework 4

The River Basin Management Plan for Scotland 2021 - 2027

Scotland’s Forestry Strategy 2019 - 2029

Agricultural Reform Route Map

Edinburgh Declaration on post-2020 global biodiversity framework


The Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004 requires the Scottish Government to report every three years on progress towards the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy.

In 2021, the Scottish Government produced 'Scotland's Biodiversity Progress to 2020 Aichi Targets - Final Report' which is the final report on Scotland's progress towards meeting the CBD Aichi Biodiversity Targets.

The Scottish Biodiversity Indicators provide further information on the progress of the Scottish Government in achieving its biodiversity strategy. 


Additional information about the Scottish Biodiversity Programme is available on the NatureScot website